[ScRiPt iNfO]────────────────────────────
Script name : XenForo v1.4.4Supplied by : [VXF]-TEAM (http://vxf.vn)
Sullified by : [VXF]-NULL-TEAM
Tested by : [VXF]-TEST-TEAM
Protection : Removed
Homepage : http://www.xenforo.com
Release date : 14-Jan-2015
Release type : PHP/MySQL
Price : $xXx USD
Docs : Check 'INSTALL-UPGRADE.txt'
XenForo is a commercial Internet forum software written in the PHP
programming language using the Zend Framework (A Rapid Application
Development Framework). The software is developed by a team led by
former vBulletin lead developers Kier Darby and Mike Sullivan .
[/End DeScRiPtIoN]────────────────────────────
[iNfO aBouT gRoUp]──────────────────────────────
[VXF.VN] forum is a place that you can get free XenForo Addons
Styles, Nulled Script, Support, Discuss and anything else about XenForo
[VXF.VN] NULL TEAM is looking for:
- Professional Scripts Suppliers
- Professional Nullifiers
- Professional Testers
Wanna join? Visit http://vxf.vn
Send info about your skills at vietxf[@]gmail.com
If you like this script, just buy it.
[/End iNfO aBouT gRoUp]───────────────────────────
We have added some backlink to template. You can remove or replace that.
[/End ScRiPt iNfO]──────────────────────────────
This release also adds a new CAPTCHA option. It is Google's new version of reCAPTCHA and it has been redesigned to ensure it is much more user friendly to humans. This does not replace the existing reCAPTCHA option. To begin using this new version you will need to obtain an API key and provide that when selecting the new "Use reCAPTCHA (No CAPTCHA)" option.

Some of the bugs fixed in 1.4.4 include:
Various fixes and improvements to the built in SMF 2.0 importer.
Fixed an issue that would throw a server error when a poll is restored from a thread draft.
Workaround an Internet Explorer bug which minimises the browser after posting.
Correctly adjust post count of a user when a post is moved from a forum that does count to a forum that doesn't count.
Fixed some IE11 bugs relating to copy and pasting content into the rich text editor.
The "Manage profile posts on own profile" permission now allows a user to delete their own profile posts from their own profile.
Changed the output of RSS feeds to bypass the use of the link / image proxy.
Automatically link URLs used in Conversations created by the Warning system.
See the Resolved Bug Reports forum for further information.
The following templates have had changes:
Where necessary, the merge system within the "Outdated Templates" page should be used to integrate these changes.
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