BoxBilling is a free billing & client management software

- Supports automated billing, invoicing, product provisioning
- Automatically create hosting accounts as soon as the payment is received
- Suspend when account becomes overdue, terminate when a specified amount of time passes.
- Enable multiple currencies, accept one time and recurring payments
- Boxbilling is perfectly created to sell
- Shared and reseller hosting accounts
- Domains
- Software licenses
- Downloadable products
- Custom recurrent billing products
- Helpdesk, knowledge base, news and announcements system.
- Intuitive Web 2.0 AJAX powered interface with 100% usability score!

- Use BoxBilling just for issuing invoices for your clients without any product setup.
- Perfect for companies to issue custom invoices, notify client and collect money.
- Define custom invoice lines and select taxes
- Every invoice can have custom taxation rule
- Track invoice refunds
- Allow your clients pay in their currency and track profit in your currency

- Product creation for hosting accounts, domains, licenses, and downloadable products can be done automatically after the successful payment is received or even with no payment received.
- Product creation can be also executed after the administrator approval.
- Order can be automatically suspended is no payment was received for X days and unsuspended as soon the late payment will be collected.
- Client area password can be automatically reset without the by the client itself.
- Control panel password can be reset by the client itself without need to logon on to control panel (depends on server manager used).
- Payment reminders can be configured to be sent until the order will be terminated or late payment will be collected.
- A custom event hook script can be executed on order activation / suspension / reactivation / cancellation so you can setup custom products easily and interrupt workflow as you need
Support system

- Integrated helpdesk allows you to communicate with clients easily.
- Multiple helpdesk departments are supported so requests can be distributed through along your staff.
- Knowledgebase suggestions are automatically displayed for your customers so they can get some question answered even without need to open a ticket.
- Predefined replies can be inserted by the click of mouse and supports system, order and client details variable parsing. That saves a lot time for you and allows sending personalized predefined answers.
- News & Announcements system allows you to inform your clients about what is going at the moment and notify about upcoming events.
- Knowledgebase allows defining the answers for the most frequency asked questions.
Web Hosts Ready

- Easy server setup: provide IP, server type, username / password combination and everything else such as account creation will be done automatically.
- Server access roles: BoxBilling will work perfectly no matter if you have root access or just a reseller account.
- Disk space, bandwidth, additional features and function can be fully customized for each hosting plan.
- Full integration and automation is available with BoxBilling extensions, such as cPanel, Plesk, Directadmin and others.
- Even if your hosting control panel is not supported you can use BoxBilling to track your orders and clients, just processes account creations / terminations on your server side manually.
Powerful API

BoxBilling modular architecture is backed by REST API. No matter which interface you are using, BoxBilling template file, JavaScript, PHP or any other you always call the same API.
Every BoxBilling module seamlessly extends API, so that all new features created can be accesed from mobile or any other devices.
To avoid API floods requests per time span limits can be easily defined.
Custom Look & Feel

- Every theme is open source
- Even this site is simply a custom BoxBilling theme
- Templates are powered by Twig templating engine
- Designers are not limited to system because all templates have access to powerful BoxBilling API
- Intuitive and user friendly interfaces is what we what your clients to experience
- Every product type has its own order form design for best user experience
Modular system

- BoxBilling is designed to be extended
- Create your custom extensions
- Contribute extensions to community
- See extension example
- Browse extensions site
Multilanguage interface

- Client area can be translated in to any language.
- Browse contributed translations
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