Username: AnonGhost
Password : AnonGhost
As this shell includes :-
MySQL & PostgreSql Connect
Command Execution
Base64 Command
Config Grabber
Subdomain Checker
Joomla Reverse Server
Wordpress Reverse Server
Find Directory Writable/Readable
Zone-h Notifier
Shtml Command Shell
Back connect Simple
Ruby BackConnect
Perl BackConnect
Python BackConnect
Whcms Killer
Webmail Password Changer
Wordpress Csrf Exploit
Symlink Inf
Cms Scanne
Perl based symlink
Manually Retrieve Confi
Enable Symlink If Disable
Python Bypass Forbidden Via TCP Protoco Symlink Bypass 2014 Skype Brute Force Cpanel Brute Force Joomla Brute Force Wordpress Brute Force Twitter Brute Force Gmail & Hotmail Brute Forc4 Ftp Bruteforce Bypass /etc/passw Bypass Users Serve Bypass Perl Securit Bypass Root Path with Zip Fil Bypass Root Path with system functio Bypass Root Path with exec functio Bypass Root Path with shell_exec functio Bypass posix_getpwui Bypass PHP Suhosin function blacklis Bypass Functions suPHP_ConfigPat Bypass suPHP Securit Simple Bypasse Read File Bypass Chmod Director Bypass Forbidden 201 Bypass SafeMode 2014 Priv8 Mass Deface Dir Mass Change Admin Jooml Mass Change Admin vBulleti Mass Change Admin Mass WordPres Wordpress & Joomla Mass Defac Wordpress Hijack Index Priv Joomla Index Change Wordpress Index Change Cpanel & Ftp Auto Defacer Bypass Server Security Function Test Permissio Server Infos
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